WELCOME TO BP GAMES LAND------Mame Emulator Page !!!!

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MAME is the most useful emulator in the world!


               This is one of my favourite emulators , Mame helps to bring all of the classics and great games back to life.I recall my childhood,at that time we didnt have much spare money to play.When I was about 9 years old , I used to live with the arcade amusement ceter (TV Games Center).At that particular Game Center, there were around 25 Gaming Machines(forgive me if I call it improperly) .Every weekends, many kids would go there with their parents because they didnt have the money to play by their own.Since I was so poor , I always lingered at that center and looked at other kids to play their games happily.

              Now these painful but happy memories come back to my life when I know this Mame is so play worthy.There are more than 1000 classic Arcade games you can enjoy since their roms are rewritten by programmers of computer language.Acutally I could careless about the origins as soon as I can play these games with my computer.These games ranged from 70's to mostly updated Arcade games.They all are still available for your choice.It is very surpised and happy to see that these games are 100 percent the same as the games in the past.In other words, the roms of Mame are exactly the same as the games you play in Aracade Center.The sound,images, even tricks you play in the past can now be seen again.

             I m afraid 80's classics are so numerous that I cant give you any good recommendations of which one is best to play. .But I would say dig dug series,Elevator Action ,Crazy Climber and Bomb jack are blue prints for many late arrival great works of Tv Games.Of course there are more to be suggested in the 90's like Gunsmoke,1943,Bad Dudes ,Double Dragon......So much that I cant include all these here .Plz take a look on my rom link to see the remaining good and interesting games I recommend there.I hope you would be glad if you are old cakes of Arcade game's fantic.If you are too young,dont worry, take a look on these games it might give you some insight and concepts about the development of nowadays Gaming industry.

-----------------------------------Download of emulator----------------------------------
buskar.gif (957 bytes)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <About the best picks of Mame>

                                                Rom links of Mame

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