EQ000037.bmp (921654 bytes)Everqest.JPG (68075 bytes)EQ000031.bmp (921654 bytes)EQ000015.bmp (921654 bytes)EQ000023.bmp (921654 bytes)EQ000017.bmp (921654 bytes)EQ000027.bmp (921654 bytes)EQ000062.bmp (921654 bytes)

<< Some are born great in Everquest----Some achieve greatness in Everquest----Some have greatness thrown upon them in Everquest >> <<Your role and your life are in your own hands !>>

*Introduction*        *Class Guide*           *Hunting Guide*      *Class balance*    *Message broad*    *Links Help*   

   *BP Games Land* *EverQuest-Midi*


Plz Help to finish the following questions so that our
discussion on Class balance would be more objective.
You can either answer one of these questions or
Try to answer all of them!








Thank you for your effort,
your opinions is highly appreciated.